Slechte dekbedden koud en flinterdun

Hieronder vindt u de ervaring van Oosterbroek met reisorganisatie Deze is ingevoerd op 11-12-2017 en gaat over de vakantie naar Engeland in november 2017.

61-70 jaar
Met partner
Slechte dekbedden koud en flinterdun
Excursiereis in Engeland, november 2017

  • 2
  • Vervoer:
  • 4
  • Accommodatie:
  • 5

  • Reisleiding:
  • 1
  • Prijs:
  • 4

We were there in November 2017. Planned with It was freezing cold and there was only a meager thin blanket / duvet on the bed. Far too cold. We have asked for an extra but that was not possible. Even after extra complaints do not. Incomprehensible that such a hotel has no extra blankets! We have our coats laid on it but that did not help. Rooms are far too small, but for the rest it is a reasonable hotel, unfortunately the service is lousy, you just sit down with your thin blanket and you do not do anything. Spent three nights in the cold. We do not do that anymore, bad advertising for Mowbray Court and ! Lees meer over deze vakantie >>

Was deze ervaring nuttig voor u?

Ingevoerd op 11-12-2017 | Accommodatie(s): Hotel Mowbray Court London

Bekijk alle ervaringen.

Algemene informatie
Totaal: 1,8
Vervoer: 2,3
Accommodatie: 1,9
Reisleiding: 1,0
Prijs: 1,3

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